references from :"Green Finger by,N. Sahadevan,pg46-47)"
Young bamboo shoots which produce new culms are usually massive and solid,packed with food and are edible in some species.The shoots are protected by two-ranked alternate overlapping rigid sheaths. The young shoots of some species are widely used as a vegetable in China and elsewhere. They may contain toxic cyanogens, but these are removed by boiling. In Malaysia, bamboo shoots are commonly used as a vegetable by the Chinese. A lot of bamboo shoots are imported from Taiwan and China.
In Malaysia, the young shoots, 'rebung' are from Bambusa vulgaris Sehrad variety. They measure 15 - 30 cm and are eaten young before they grow hard.
Bambusa vulgaris, the most widely distributed and cultivated bamboo is only known in cultivation. It is easily propagated vegetatively. The culm is very strong and has other uses like the making of paper pulp, as an ornament and as support for trees.
When consuming fresh bamboo shoot, prior treatment by prolonged boiling is very important. If not properly treated it emits a strong offensive smell reminiscent of urine.
In Malaysia there is no other known edible variety. However, in Taiwan four (4) of the commonly grown varieties are 'Giant bamboo', 'taiwan giant' bamboo','edibe bamboo', and ' Green bamboo'.
Crop Management.
- Soil/habitat
Bambusa vulgaris is found throughout the country on hill-slope and on flatland. It cannot stand waterlogging and thrives well on free-draining mineral soils with pH of between 5 - 6.5. Because of its relatively fast growth it competes well with other vegetation in a secondary jungle.
- Land preparation/planting
flat land is preferred for bamboo cultivation. The land is plouhed and harrowed. Holes of 0.6m x 0.6m x 0.6m are dug 5 m apart, either in a tringular or square planting pattern. With square planting, the planting density is 400 points/ha. CIRP and chicken dung are applied at the rate of 200g and 1.5 kg per planting hole,respectively. A young growing shoot with the base intact is placed in the centre and the soil filled back and compacted. It is preferable to plant during wet weather.
- Manuring
On established clumps 1.5kg of a compound fertilizer 12:12:17:2 NPKMg + trace elements (complesal Supra or equivalent fertilizer) is applied per clump every six (6) months in a band around the clump. On new plantings, half the above rate is given.
- Number of mother stalks per clump.
The number of mother stalks or culms per clump is an important factor in bamboo shoot production. Studies in Taiwan show that 4 - 6 mother stalks per clump yield approximately 40% more bamboo shoots or spears than clumps with two mother stalks. At the higher density, the spears tend to be broader and slightly shorter than at the lower density of two mother stalks/clump. Bitterness of the shoot,an undesirable characteristic, is also less in the former.
- Mulching.
Mulching with paddy straw or cut 'lalang' is important to produce high yield and good quality shoots. In Taiwan, sugar cane leaves are commonly used. The choice of mulch is important as the wrong mulch e.g. certain plastic or non- woven cloth, can result in reduced yield and highly bitter shoots.
- Watering
Sufficient water is important to produce high yield. During early establishment, daily watering is necessary.
- Harvesting Yield
Bamboo shoots are harvested throughout the year. Once the clump is establised, harvesting can commence, usually after 1 - 2 years. if 4 - 6 mother stalks or culms are maintained per clump, a mean of 40 spears can be obtained per year. Taking a mean weight of 600 g per spear, total production per hectare is 9.6 t/ha or 16,000 spears per hectare per year.
- Prospects
The demand for fresh bamboo shoot in Malaysia is relatively small. It is mostly consumed by the Chinese and, to a lesser extent, by Malays. Because of the trouble involved in preparing bamboo shoot, most consumers prefer the canned product. Large scale production of bamboo shoot for the fresh market,therefore, does not appear to hold much prospects because of the limited demand. To be viable,field production has to be tied up with processing of the products as well as other products such as asparagus,mushroom etc.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Era Perubahan Unit Hortikultur Pahang...
Salam ramadhan al-Mubarak 1433H..
Syukur,kita masih di panjangkan umur untuk bertemu dan menyambut bulan penuh keberkatan ini..
Kesibukan kerja menyebabkan ruangan dalam blog ini agak sepi dan tidak dapat dikemaskini..insyaallah dikesempatan yang agak sengkang ini admin akan cuba sedaya upaya merumuskan segala aktiviti yang berlangsung dan berkongsi ilmu dalam bidang pertanian sedapat mungkin.
Sebelum itu..mari kita jamu mata dengan gambar-gambar aktiviti sepanjang tahun 2012 ini...
Syukur,kita masih di panjangkan umur untuk bertemu dan menyambut bulan penuh keberkatan ini..
Kesibukan kerja menyebabkan ruangan dalam blog ini agak sepi dan tidak dapat dikemaskini..insyaallah dikesempatan yang agak sengkang ini admin akan cuba sedaya upaya merumuskan segala aktiviti yang berlangsung dan berkongsi ilmu dalam bidang pertanian sedapat mungkin.
Sebelum itu..mari kita jamu mata dengan gambar-gambar aktiviti sepanjang tahun 2012 ini...
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Program Bersama staf |
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Hands on |
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Hubungan silaturrahim.. |
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Hands on |
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Hands on |
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Peninggalan daripada Pen.Pengarah Hortikultur Pahang Barat...Sayonara. |
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LAP di Akademi Uasahawantani |
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LAP di lapangan |
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Mesyuarat KIK |
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Jemaah KIK Hort.Pahang Barat |
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Program KIK |
Lawatan Ladang bagi Pengesyoran varieti Durian D197 |
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Program Motivasi Pekerja |
Semoga kerja yang dijalankan sepanjang Tahun 2012 dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya mahupun yang kan datang akan memberi manfaat buat semua.........
Dikesempatan ini 'admin'ingin mengucapkan Selamat Berpuasa buat semua..
Mohon ampun dan maaf atas segala salah dan silap..
Jika ada umur yang panjang kita ketemu lagi...
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Patah Hilang,Tumbuh berganti...
Selamat Datang kepada pegawai-pegawai yang baru melaporkan diri di Hortikultur Pahang..
Hortikultur Pahang Barat
1) Pn Nur Hazwani bt Abd Aziz - Ketua Stesen SPK Kg Awah - menggantikan tempat Pn Gan Hwee Yiam
2) Pn Hasnizah bt Mohd Yusof (19 April 2012) - menggantikan tempat En Noor Azlan
3) En Mohd Zaimi b Abdul Rahman (19 April 2012) - menggantikan tempat En Shahrul Azlan
Semoga dapat memberi komitmen tugas yang baik ditempat baru dan dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran baru...
Salam perkenalan.
Hortikultur Pahang Barat
1) Pn Nur Hazwani bt Abd Aziz - Ketua Stesen SPK Kg Awah - menggantikan tempat Pn Gan Hwee Yiam
2) Pn Hasnizah bt Mohd Yusof (19 April 2012) - menggantikan tempat En Noor Azlan
3) En Mohd Zaimi b Abdul Rahman (19 April 2012) - menggantikan tempat En Shahrul Azlan
Semoga dapat memberi komitmen tugas yang baik ditempat baru dan dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran baru...
Salam perkenalan.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Haba Neraka (Neomarica longifolia)
Kegunaa / Khasiat :
- Menggugurkan kandungan *makan akar bersama sireh
*** Ibu-ibu yang mengandung dinasihatkan supaya tidak melintas atau melalui kawasan tanaman ini kerana boleh menyebabkan keguguran kandungan.
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